Rewards Program for Sales Agents Promoting IDID 3D Ltd Products and Services  IDID 3D Ltd provides a wide variety of products and services to meet the needs of their customers. These products and services include product design, animation, action figures, 3D marketing campaigns, and NFt’s. As a company, we understand the importance of rewarding our audience for their loyalty and support .

The rewards program is structured in the following manner:

Tier 1

Sales agents who refer customers to IDID 3D Ltd and successfully close a deal will receive a bonus of 10% of the total sale amount.

Tier 2

Agents who reach a sales quota of £5,000 in a month will receive a bonus of $500.


Agents who have been with the company for over 6 months and have consistently achieved their monthly sales quota will receive a bonus of £1,000. Additionally, IDID 3D Ltd offers rewards for agents who bring in new customers.

Contact us to join our customer loyalty programme


Please answer the following questions to help determine the best package/product for your needs